It was along the lines of (in a nutshell) - if Taoism is about merging with our original oneness, how do I express myself as an individual when performing and be a Taoist at the same time? Aren't they both contradictory?
He wanted to know that he didn't have to give up music to be a Taoist. The worst thing could have been if he'd decided he had to make a decision, this is my response, for the benefit of anyone else wondering about this.
"Hey dude!!!
I am a musician and long time practitioner too so I know where you're coming from.
1st of all, a great book you definitely should read to get a deep understanding here is "drumming the spirit to life"; by Russell Buddy Helm. This man is one of few that helps convey the meditative path that lies in being a musician. T(d)oism is really just a word to describe something wordless. It's funny really when you think about it.
So the point is, just because I'm a Taoist/Buddhist, or whatever, doesn't mean I don't ever say anything. Saying something is sometimes necessary to help another in the path of realisation. Music is a form of language, a play of form only. It's a pointer, or a sign to an experience. That is why we can feel the story in a song. Just as we do a poem or piece of art.
Chap, if you meditate regularly, and realise your ultimate nature through direct experience of it, these kinds of questions will answer themselves, because you already have all the wisdom waiting in the unlimited nature we all share as our true root or nature (words eh?, they just don't quite cut it : )).
For now though, in case you don't go and get started on meditating yourself, keep in mind that individuality is actually irrelevant at the deepest level. It doesn't really exist at all apart from our interdependent experience of it; it is a projection by the mind, that we experience. Look at it yourself. Can the seemingly separate experience exist without the mind to perceive it? What happens when you dream? Looks and feels real doesn't it? Is it real? Words again : /
Scientists are proving that matter itself is inherently interdependent on something to perceive it as matter, through examining the deepest elements they've found like quarks etc. Einstein had this understanding pegged as a theory years ago. He's worth checking out aswell. If you want advice on direct exercises you can do to see this stuff for yourself directly, let me know. There are some great teachers and books, but there's also a lot of vague re-hashed stuff out there.
I don't want to talk too much on this so I'll leave it to you to further experience - personal experience being the most important, you can't swim by reading a book about it. "The way cannot be put in to words".
So moving on, as individuality is a misconception; everything we live is more like a ride or dream than a individual experience. SO, even these words, and 'you' reading them.
So what if it's not real!! The point is, is it useful? Does the communication help wake you up out of misconception/suffering or harm you? That's what's important. A great quote by the Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) on this is -
"Only speak if speaking improves on silence"
Sometimes sharing your honest story can help another to realise something important in themselves. Like how to be honest themselves, or they may see a virtuous principle hidden in your words.
This is why integrity in musical sharing is a powerful force for positive cultural change, especially for someone like you, who is walking the path of realisation and communication all at once. That can really make a difference. When I grew up, I went through a lot of physical and emotional abuse. Good healthy honest music is what gave me the strength to not kill myself for fear of waking up to another day of suffering. It can be that powerful.
Someone mentioned Jimi (Hendrix) earlier. I recommend you check out some of his interviews and you'll see he felt the same way. He is still revered for his great work. Why? A number of reasons, too long to include here.
I am not advocating we all as musicians need to copy him and take up acid or anything like he did ...
... I didn't need to to get a realisation of all this stuff. I'll go more in to my past some other time. Walk your path bro. Be honest and get a personal taste of these wonderful teachings we've been blessed with by hard working dedicated spiritual practitioners; musicians, poets, artists, comedians, speakers, teachers etc that actually cared. Because they knew we're all one mind, some didn't but still shared virtuous principles like integrity and insight, which can be life changing for some.
Blessings chap, I hope that clears it up for you, but feel free to ask me any questions you have on it bro
: ))))
Phew ... longest post yet ... hahahaa "
Back soon
Matthew is a man saved by the very teachings he shares. Giving him a huge zeal and drive for sharing the teachings that worked for him. Many of these teachings were taught to him directly by a Head Disciple of a Grand Master of Holistic Health Arts; like Tai Chi, Qigong and Meditation. He is also a long time musician and alongside being a teacher/practitioner of holistic development and meditation; drums, does backing vocals and manages the band Brothers Grimmer.
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