Friday, 17 September 2010

Bushcraft Survival!!

Hi all!!! Home from Center Parcs ... just wanted to share an interesting experience. I went on a mini-course about bushcraft survival. Anyone who doesn't know about this can find out easily by checking out Ray Mears. In short, it's all about getting back to basics in nature, and living a happy comfortable life naturally!!

Sounds great huh? Well I found this is all a lot easier than I'd have imagined; let's face it, you have a lot of time on your hands in the wild.

One thing on the course I found particularly fascinating was the use of senses to determine what food is edible. Utilising smell, look, even popping a small amount in the side of the lip if it passes all the first tests. Kind of like how any child explores things. Wisdom through direct experience still remains one of our primary survival tools. It's what opens new doors and possibilities.

Did you know that a Silver Birch's leaves are possibly antiseptic, so to make a natural antiseptic soap in the wild all you need is fat; ash and birch leaves? (Fat and an alkaline create soap). Nothing is wasted when you know how everything fits together.

Ever wondered how to build warm cozy forest home from scratch? There's an example of Ray Mears at work if you follow the link I've provided. This man shows how you can make a forest a comfortable place to be.

It's amazing how such simple things have been lost to our generation. I thought I'd re-ignite your spark of curiosity here.

I just wanted to share an interesting quote to re-iterate my point.

"Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountain is going home; that wildness is necessity; that mountain parks and reservations are useful not only as fountains of timber and irrigating rivers, but as fountains of life"

John Muir.

Matthew is a man saved by the very teachings he shares. Giving him a huge zeal and drive for sharing the teachings that worked for him. Many of these teachings were taught to him directly by a Head Disciple of a Grand Master of Holistic Health Arts; like Tai Chi, Qigong and Meditation. 

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