Friday, 10 September 2010

Meditation is Natural to You, 4 Simple Steps..

Many people when you say the word meditation, have the image of a person who has an empty mind; and this is due to cultural influence. It's often presumed that to meditate, one must stop thinking. This is not entirely true, and this article was my attempt to help clear up this misunderstanding. By the time you reach the end of this article you'll have begun a powerful journey in to true mediation and holistic health.

In truth, the mind is supposed to become clear eventually yes, but the important point is that it actually happens naturally, but only when you adjust habits slightly. Anyone can prove this by trying to force their mind to stop immediately. You either:

a) Achieve it but can't do so for long,

b) Can, but it bottles up the thoughts and you get more and more wound up or,

c) You simply can't and the more you try, the busier your mind gets.

I used to be more primarily a "c" person, although there are various subtle categories, these are the most common results; and yet essentially they all blend in to one, and none of those states of mind are healthy. 

So, if meditation is supposed to be beneficial, then trying to stop the mind can't be meditation.
A naturally settled yet alert mind is easily achievable by using a number of methods and is the true root of holistic health. Breathing meditation is one of the most popular and generally useful methods. In order to understand how this works, you need only remember the last time you were did you breathe? My guess if your like most is your breath was fast; erratic, targeted in the chest and very shallow.

The breath and thought/emotion are inextricably linked. If the breath relaxes and slows, it's easier for the thought processes to do the same.

What does this tell you about some of the benefits of doing this, even for 5 minutes? Can you imagine how your life would be different, to be able to master your reactions in any be connected to your subconscious in a way that allows spontaneous understanding and regenerate your energy quicker than sleep!

Consider; as a baby, breathing from the abdomen was just natural. Here are a few reasons why:

1) There are more oxygen grabbing veins situated at the lower part of your lungs, so breathing this way is more efficient. If you consider that oxygen is one of your primary sources of energy in the body, you can imagine what this one simple and easy habit change can do for you alone.

2) As a baby, it wasn't long ago that you were the most efficient at breathing possible i.e. embryonic breathing in the womb. So breathing from the abdomen was easy.

3) Usually as a baby you didn't have so much unnecessary mental business going through your mind.

4) You hadn't yet been influenced by the habits of others around you.

On that note let me give you a couple of tips to improve your breathing right now: -

1) Put the tongue in the roof of your mouth and breathe in and out through your nose (added benefit - your nose efficiently deals with a large percentage 'air pollution'; dust etc.. This takes even more pressure off of the body).

2) When breathing deep, work up to it gradually, don't force it too deep too soon. This can actually seriously hurt you.

3) Half smile like a cat - sound silly? A half smile is the natural position for your mouth, doing otherwise is actually another unhealthy habit, it causes stress. A half smile helps your whole face to relax and your breathing also.

4) Sit up straight - but not stiff! Adjustments to any postural habit should be done not too hard or too soft. - You will find even these few tips when combined, will not only fill you with growing well being, but actually, you'll start to have a quieter mind, without trying to stop it. 


Matthew is a man saved by the very teachings he shares. Giving him a huge zeal and drive for sharing the teachings that worked for him. Many of these teachings were taught to him directly by a Head Disciple of a Grand Master of Holistic Health Arts; like Tai Chi, Qigong and Meditation.

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